Mail art by DiscoFlux (Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA) DiscoFlux of Colorado, USA, is a diligent networker as well as a longtime personal correspondent. Wordplay is central to mail art. and DiscoFlux has made a place for herself with marvelous anagrams. She also has an eye for excellent PopArt images. Thank you DiscoFlux! - DVS
Mail art by Thom Courcelle (Rutland, Vermont, USA) Mail art by Thom Courcelle (Rutland, Vermont, USA) Mail art by Thom Courcelle (Rutland, Vermont, USA)
Mail art by Ana Kawajiri (Sao Paulo, Brasil) Mail art by Ana Kawajiri (Sao Paulo, Brasil) Note: Ana Kawajiri of Brasil is an active member of the Eternal Network with a growing reputation as an artist in several genres and as a faithful and enthusiastic correspondent to a widening circle. In recent months she has expressed an interest in Trashpo (a network fave especially during 2010-2020). I have blogged her work before and deeply appreciate that she sent this recent work from Brasil. Of course, I am also thrilled Ana is exploring mail art history and 21st century mail art trends including Trashpo and DKult. I am sure the global network of Trashpoets will be eager to trade with Ana. Thank you!!! - De Villo Sloan